Friday, August 24, 2012

Isabelle's 11th Birthday, Phases 1 & 2

This year, luckily, we were able to have Isabelle's birthday party on her actual birthday, so the family and friends all celebrated together. Usually, we have to do one family celebration and one friend celebration for the kids, and I always take the birthday kid to a movie (hence the three phases). For Isabelle's party (phase 1), we did a bowling party. The bowling alley supplied us with more than enough greasy, gooey pizza to fill everyone's belly, and I bought two cakes that I brought along to the alley. One cake was a rainbow layer cake--it was pretty awesome! The other was a marble cake--it was also pretty tasty! We sang to Izzy, we ate, Izzy opened presents, we bowled, the kids play arcade games and got ice cream from the parlor connected to the bowling alley! It was a blast! And the best part is very little clean-up--I love the bowling parties! Isabelle's special/big gift this year was her own cell phone. She was stoked, of course! For her birthday movie, we went to see The Avengers in 3D; Uncle Tom accompanied us to the movie. We all loved it! What a great day!

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